Thursday, June 11, 2009

What Movie I Currently Haven't Finished #1: 8 1/2 (1963)

There are a lot of heart-breakers in this category (don't ask what the hell that's supposed to mean). Right now, I've been trying to get into the really important film classics and I started watching Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 (I hope that's the right name for the filmmaker). Ghost World mentioned it and I actually thought I should know something about it. Well... I'm 45 minutes into it, and I can't figure out a blasted thing that's supposed to be going on.

There's this guy with parents in his dreams, his father's dead or something. He seems to be a filmmaker and very popular and in-demand. He's involved in a trendy social scene where everyone talks...a lot. There's been dancing, magic tricks, a huge congregation of people going to get a glass of water (or some kind of liquid), famous classical music numbers up the wahzoo. Children bathing and going to bed, the guy gets a headache, and... maybe an affair with a woman wearing a mink hat. That's it.

Oh... and Barbara Steele's in it. Looking a lot like Uma Thurman would be made to look later in Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction (which I've grown to like quite a bit). Barbara, of course, is the world-famous Scream Queen who was in such infamous films as Black Sunday, The Pit and the Pendulum, David Cronenberg's awful They Came from Within (aka- Shivers), and one of my personal favorites- Joe Dante's Piranha.


  1. Your blog seems promising. I've been meaning to watch more classics, but I just haven't been able to get my hands on them.

    Maybe your entries will help me. =]

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ha... Thanks for commenting. But, I'm no expert on film classics. If you stick around, I think you'll see that.

    If you have a blog of your own, I might have to check it out.
